For those who have moved towards integrating Operations Manager 2007 with Active Directory, you have come across a new tool included in OM 2007 - MOMADAdmin.exe. For those hesitant to rouse the AD beast, let's examine what this tool does. First, let's be clear – MOMADAdmin.exe does NOT extend AD's schema! With this obstacle cleared, let's take a brief look at MOMADAdmin.
MOMADAdmin.exe syntax is MomADAdmin ManagementGroupName MOMAdminSecurityGroup PrincipalManagementServerComputerName Domain
ManagementGroupName is the name of the OM Management Group. For each management group to be integrated, you need to run this tool so that a separate container is created.
MOMAdminSecurityGroup is the name of your OM Admin Security Group
PrincipalManagementServerComputerName is the name of the primary management server for this group.
Domain is the domain name of the domain being prepared.
When you run the tool, the following occurs:
- Creates an Operations Manager container under the root of the domain specified.
- Creates a container under the Operations Manager container the tool just created with the name of the management group specified.
- Within the management group container, the tool creates two service connection points (SCP) and one security group.